Rhys Davies

Rhys is involved with the strategic development of Wilba. His experience of assisting the overall direction of a company is crucial to ensuring that Wilba is run as an effective non-profit organisation.

Rhys’ claim to fame is that he lives in the village of Beulah, home of the native Beulah Speckled Face Sheep!

“My name is Rhys, and I’ve been with Marches Business Group for over seven years. Like a lot of the team here, I’ve spent the vast majority of my life in Mid Wales, and the older I get, the more I appreciate this beautiful part of the world. I’ve been involved in Wilba from the word go; having watched a David Attenborough documentary that highlighted the pressures the natural world is facing globally, I wanted to see if there was something we could do as a business group to make a small difference. We came to realise that working with our local farming community and other local landowners, instead of against them, gave us the best opportunity of making a real difference in our attempts to preserve, promote, and encourage local wildlife.”

— Rhys Davies


Alyce Meadows