Llanbister: Hedgerow Connections
200 Sqm
This upland sheep farm near Llanbister Road, Powys, encompasses a diverse range of habitats, such as scrub, woodland, and riparian areas, creating a rich environment for various species.
In addition, its low-input farming approach not only supports soil health but also contributes to increased pollinator numbers and other wildlife.
By improving the connectivity between these habitat areas we will be able to facilitate the natural movement of species, helping to create balanced ecosystems.
Our Work
The first stage of this project was to add a second line of fencing to the existing fence line, creating a double, stock-proof row.
The second stage then involved planting over 500 saplings. We allowed for a planting density of 6 per meter and with a native mix of 60% Hawthorn, 10% Hazel, 10% Dogwood and 10%Blackthorn and 10% Field Maple.
Some large areas of rushes prevented us from planting in certain areas and we hope that the water resistant Dogwood will cope well in the wettest areas.