Oak Tree Corridor
This project will create
29,300 square meters
of habitat!
Help us to fund this project!
This project comprises two broad leaf woodlands, a small stream, grazing pasture and a solitary oak.
Flanked on either side by common ground, this area already supports biodiversity with its mosaic of habitats.
We hope to transform this beautiful place into somewhere even better for nature.
What we’ve got planned
The first stage of the project will be to fence off the two woodlands. This will allow the under-story an opportunity to thrive and should result in wildflowers, fungi and mosses increasing as well as the next generation of self-seeded trees.
The next step will be to create a double fence-line across the middle of the field; connecting the two woodlands to allow wildlife to move freely between two habitats. Once the fencing is complete, we will begin the planting of the saplings. We will use a traditional hedging mix whilst aiming to include as wide a range of species as possible: hawthorn, blackthorn, dogwood, hazel, field maple, holly, beech.
The solitary oak in the middle of the field will be include in the new hedgerow, providing the perfect hedgerow tree- a very important feature for increasing the biodiversity of the hedge. We are also going to fit a barn owl box to this beautiful tree, which is stood in ideal hunting ground for these elusive birds.
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